
Ahhh. Sleep ins – gotta love them! At least for the short opportunity to enjoy them.

Well I’ve been productive the last few days at least. Caught up with a few people, prepared everything for Training and starting up classes, keeping Epson in business by printing and sorting reams and reams of stuff!   I’ve actually whittled my To Do list down considerably which is very satisfying. Many items are now simply waiting for someone else to do their bit so those things may creep back on my list as people invariably don’t follow through. Such is my life at the top. Still delegating and requesting is the only way to get ahead or else I end up so deeply bogged nothing gets done at all!

Well, it’s good to see my students back at training. As per the norm we have a small influx at the beginning of the year which includes some privates on the weekend which I look forward to teaching.

The new Direct debit system *should* make life a bit easier for the instructors. Students will gradually transfer over to that system as their cards expire.

Must take down the Christmas decorations today. Should have been done already but what benefit to me when I’m here on my own?

tinsel3 bauble1 tree2


  1. Suggested blog topic: What the school will do this year different from last.

    > Must take down the Christmas decorations today. Should have been done already but what benefit to me when I’m here on my own?
    Sounds like a country and western song.

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